In correspondence with the key officials overseeing the avian influenza outbreak and indemnification, The National Association of Egg Farmers (NAEF) on Wednesday, May 27, provided an indemnity plan for the egg layers being depopulated. NAEF acknowledged to APHIS this avian influenza situation is unprecedented, and that disposal is monumental, but NAEF urged the USDA Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to seek quick, but fair resolutions to these problems. The officials receiving the indemnity plan were Dr. Lee Ann Thomas, APHIS Director of the Avian Health Center in Riverdale, MD, Burke Healey, the APHIS Incident Commander in Ft. Collins, CO, and in Washington, DC Dr. John Clifford, USDA’s Chief Veterinarian, and APHIS Administrator Kevin Shea
NAEF stated that included in these fair resolutions to the problems is the need to pay indemnities as outlined in 9 CFR part 56.4 (1) (a) which states, in part,
“For laying hens, the appraised value should include the hen’s projected future egg production. Appraisals of poultry must be reported on forms furnished by APHIS and signed by the appraisers and must be signed by the owners of the poultry to indicate agreement with the appraisal amount. Appraisals of poultry must be signed by the owners of the poultry prior to the destruction of the poultry, unless the owners, APHIS, and the Cooperating State Agency agree that the poultry may be destroyed immediately.”
NAEF further delineated the regulation calls for appraisals agreed upon before the destruction of the poultry. The farmers confirmed with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N2 [notifiable avian influenza] are awaiting confirmation of the agreed upon “projected future egg production” so they can take the needed steps to dispose, clean and disinfect in preparation for repopulating.