August 24th Bangor Daily News Op-Ed “It’s Time for Turner Egg Factor to Go Cage-Free” provides a narrative that does not fit the facts, stated the National Association of Egg Farmers.


Hillandale Egg Farms, the new owners, uses production methods that provide humanely for the chicken while ensuring a safe and wholesome egg.  

 1) The claims that caged layers increases Salmonella is not even logical.  The Food & Drug Administration has issued a regulation entitled Prevention of Salmonella Enteritidis in Shell Eggs During Production, Storage, and Transportation (21 CFR part 118) on July 9, 2009 requiring shell egg farmers to implement measures to prevent SE from contaminating eggs on the farm.  If caged environments increased Salmonella, it’s inconceivable that FDA would issue regulations governing the production of eggs in caged environments.

2) The Journal Poultry Science in 2011 [90, pp. 1586-1593] published “Comparison of shell bacteria from unwashed and washed table eggs harvested from caged laying hens and cage-free floor-housed laying hens.”  This study found that the numbers of bacteria on eggs was lower in housing systems that separated hens from manure and shavings.

3) The Journal Food Control published a study June 17, 2014 entitled “Microbiological Contamination of Shell Eggs Produced in Conventional and Free-Range Housing Systems”  The conclusions state “Battery caged hens (conventional cages) are standing on wire slats that allow feces to fall to a manure collection system beneath the hens.  Conversely, free-range hens (cage-free) laid their eggs in nest boxes on shavings and the eggs remained in contact with hens, shavings and fecal material until they are collected.  The longer contact time with free-range hens, shavings and feces would explain the higher enterobacteriaceae counts (pathogenic bacteria) on free-range eggs as compared to battery caged eggs.”

4) As to the welfare of caged hens compared to cage-free, any reasoning person can see just watching that hens peck each other to establish the pecking order.  In a caged environment, the number of hens are minimized compared to the hundreds on the floor where the lower hen on the pecking order is pecked more often.  That would help explain what mortality among cage-free hens has been shown to be as high as 28% of the total flock compared to 9% for caged layers (North Carolina State University).  Furthermore, the immune response (measured from hematological and immunological indices at NC State) showed free-range chickens with poorer immune response thus leaving the chicken more vulnerable to disease.  Logically then, caged layers have lower stress when noting the mortality and immune response investigations.  

We hope your readers realize the narrative of the author criticizing Hillandale is misinformed as today’s conventional cages provide humanely for the chickens while providing a safe and wholesome egg.

April 15, 2015



Dr. Catherine Woteki

Under Secretary for Research, Education and Economics

U.S. Department of Agriculture

1400 Independence Avenue, S.W.

Washington, DC  20250


Dear Madam Secretary:


Thank you in behalf of the National Association of Egg Farmers, for your initiative in implementing the Twitter discussion tomorrow (#chickenchat2015) to provide help to farmers dealing with the growing threat of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI).  The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has reported outbreaks in 13 states including yesterday in a flock of turkeys in Buena Vista County Iowa.  This area is also home to many large commercial egg farms.


The poultry industry appreciates the fact that the USDA helps protect the health of the nation’s livestock and poultry by responding to major animal disease events such as this, helping to keep dangerous diseases from spreading as the #chickenchat2015 will help with suggestions, and reducing the economic impact of disease events.


We suggest USDA implement three important steps to further this mission:

1)Temporarily mandate that free-ranging poultry be broughtHPAI is spreading along the Central and Mississippi flyways due to waterfowl who can be asymptomatic but still carriers of the virus.  Poultry with outdoor access will only exacerbate the continued spread of this virus.

2)Provide indemnification for the whole flock and not just the survivingThis will incentivize farmers to come forward quickly when they suspect infection.

3)Publish a transcript of #chickenchat2015Many farmers are not on Twitter and will miss out on this important discussion for protecting their poultry.

On August 19th, the National Association of Egg Farmers wrote to the Massachusetts Attorney General, Maura Healey, respectfully requesting her to deny the petition submitted by Citizens for Farm Animal Protection due to the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution and the ambiguity of the measure they intend to put before the voters. Citizens for Farm Animal Protection wants voters to “ensure that certain farm animals are able to stand up, lie down, turn around and extend their limbs.” This appears identical to the ballot initiative in California in 2008 that also led to the passage in 2010 of AB 1437 mandating similar restrictions on egg farmers from other states selling eggs into California. Six States [5 Attorneys General (MO, NE, OK, AL, KY) and IA Governor Branstad] have filed motions to dismiss California’s egg regulations under the new law as violating the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution, article I, section 8, clause 3. Massachusetts, like California, is an egg-deficit state meaning the 6.7 million people in the state will need the importation of eggs from other states to meet the per capita consumption needs of the consumers. California’s deficit numbers approximated 16 million eggs daily imported into the state. Unable to obtain eggs produced under California’s standards has led to short supplies and much higher egg prices than surrounding states.

The ambiguity of the measure requires a more extensive reply. Chickens in conventional cages are housed 5-7 birds to a cage each with 67 square inches. The width and height of the cage allows each chicken to stand up, sit down, turn around, and spread its wings. Members of the Coalition falsely claim the chicken has only 67 square inches, as if that is the size of the entire enclosure. It has 5 to 7 times more room, only it shares it with other hens. An individual chicken would do the same if she was placed in aviaries and on the floor of a barn. “Birds of a feather, flock together” is more than a cute rhyme as it describes their behaviour too.

Today’s modern conventional cages used in producing eggs provide:

  1. A humane way of producing eggs

So here are the facts from today’s farmers concerning the welfare of the chicken. Every egg farmer knows that increasing the population size of a flock of chickens increases the stress on those chickens due to the establishment of a “pecking order” among the chickens.  The behavior inherent in chickens is to determine the social standing of the individual hens through “pecking” each other.  The individual chicken lower in the social order is pecked the most.  When chickens are housed in conventional cages with 5-7 chickens, the establishment of this pecking order is minimized compared to upwards of 60 chickens in the California-style enhanced, colony cages, and even more so in an aviary (cage-free chickens) with thousands of chickens.   The Coalition for Sustainable Egg Supply, a cooperative effort of animal scientists investigating the published research concluded recently that different housing systems (cage-free, enhanced colony cages, and the conventional cages used today by nine-five percent of egg farmers) are not significantly different in the stress among the chickens.  This compliments earlier findings by The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) in 2010 which released a report on different housing systems.  The report concluded consumers need to balance the hen’s freedom against exposure to potential hazards such as disease vectors and the cannibalism caused by pecking. Certainly cannibalism and pecking are welfare issues, and in conventional cages where the number of chickens is minimized, these concerns are reduced compared to the enhanced, colony cages or aviaries. 


Dr. Kenneth Anderson, a preeminent Poultry Extension Specialist at NC State University, presented his research findings to the egg industry at a conference in March 2010 where he noted that chickens reared in conventional cages had: 1) significantly greater numbers of Grade A eggs, 2) significantly greater numbers of total eggs produced,  3)significantly better feed conversion rates (meaning a lower carbon footprint),  4)better immune response (meaning better able to resist disease). Certainly these are indicators of a healthier chicken and thus better welfare.


2) Provide a safe and wholesome egg

In considering food safety, eggs laid on the floor in an aviary system have more pathogenic bacteria from contact with manure.  This is virtually eliminated in conventional cages where the birds stand on a wire and the manure falls below the cages and away from the eggs. As published in Food Control [47 (2015) 161-165] entitled “Microbiological Contamination of Shell Eggs Produced in Conventional [battery cages] and Free-Range” the authors from Clemson University reported Enterobacteriacea on egg shell surfaces were 90% greater in free-range over battery cages (conventional cages). Salmonella for free-range was 2.36% and 0 for battery while Campylobacter for free-range was 26.1% compared to 7.4% for battery eggs.


3) Provide a lower cost for a high quality protein product

Lastly, consumers benefit from conventional caged egg production with a lower cost for a high quality protein product.  The Coalition for Sustainable Egg Supply reported recently the cage-free eggs (aviaries) were thirty-six percent more expensive that conventional caged eggs and enhanced colony caged eggs were thirteen percent more expensive.  Over the past five decades of improving the welfare of the chicken and improving the food safety of shell eggs with today’s conventional cages, unfortunately companies and misinformed readers believe it is better to return to the old days when eggs were laid near manure or the chicken suffered from the pecking order. This is false and harms both the chicken and the consumer.

Today’s egg farmer, using conventional cage systems, is producing a safe and wholesome egg while providing for the needs of each chicken and this is why the petition is based on ambiguities misleading to Massachusetts voters.